Truth & Reconciliation
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation- Sept. 30, 2022 by Jan Beaver What is Reconciliation when it comes to Canada’s relationship with Indigenous People? It is a relationship of balance and mutual respect so we can all live together in ways that foster strong healthy sustainable indigenous nations within a strong Canada. It is also…
Thoughts gathered:
Balancing Despair and Hope It was summer of 2021. I walked out to my deck on a hot muggy morning. Two of my six koi were gasping for air, heads out of the water. The power had surged in the night and the pump motor seized. I was helpless to save them. I restarted the…
Keeping the Conversation Going…
I have curated and organized many exhibitions of artwork over the years however, the theme of this project is so important that I really need to know how to do it in the best possible way so that viewers can learn & benefit from the experience. I’ve been thinking about the number of exhibitions we…
The Exhibitions
Georgina Arts Centre & Gallery,149 High St, Sutton, ON (May to June 2023) Aurora Public Library 15145 Yonge Street Aurora, ON L4G 1M1 (for presentations, April 2023) Rogart Street Campus,Glasgow, Scotland, UK (May1 to May 29,2023) Aurora Town Hall ,100 John West Way, Aurora, ON L4G 6J1 (June 3 to August 26-2023)Opening Reception: Saturday June 3, 1-3 pm Old Newmarket Town Hall, 460…
September 7, 2022
SO WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? By Lillian Michiko Blakey “You from Vancouver?” I nod. “Big city. He shakes his head. “ All that cement (see-ment)”, he says, “addles the brain”.Joy Kogawa OBASAN When did we humans, supposedly the most intelligent beings on earth, begin to drive every living thing on the planet to extinction……
In the beginning…
My name is Carmel Brennan. I am a visual artist, a teacher and a curator. In the fall of 2021, I began a project called LETTERS TO THE EARTH: BETWEEN HOPE AND DESPAIR. The project began as a personal reaction to experiences in my home environment during the early months of the pandemic. In the early…
Dear Earth…
Please write your own Letter to the Earth. What will you say? Your letter could be in the form of stream of a consciousness reaction, or poetry, or heartfelt concerns for survival. Respond with your letters as soon as possible to: carmel@letterstoearth.ca