Category: Invitations

  • Truth & Reconciliation

    Truth & Reconciliation

    National Day for Truth and Reconciliation- Sept. 30, 2022 by Jan Beaver What is Reconciliation when it comes to Canada’s relationship with Indigenous People? It is a relationship of balance and mutual respect so we can all live together in ways that foster strong healthy sustainable indigenous nations within a strong Canada. It is also…

  • Keep those handwritten letters coming in…

    Keep those handwritten letters coming in…
  • Thoughts gathered:

    Balancing Despair and Hope It was summer of 2021. I walked out to my deck on a hot muggy morning. Two of my six koi were gasping for air, heads out of the water. The power had surged in the night and the pump motor seized. I was helpless to save them. I restarted the…

  • Keeping the Conversation Going…

    I have curated and organized many exhibitions of artwork over the years however, the theme of this project is so important that I really need to know how to do it in the best possible way so that viewers can learn & benefit from the experience. I’ve been thinking about the number of exhibitions we…

  • Dear Earth…

    Please write your own Letter to the Earth.  What will you say? Your letter could be in the form of stream of a consciousness reaction, or poetry, or heartfelt concerns for survival. Respond with your letters as soon as possible to: